and retired.
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Services offered in this medical office:
- Neurology consultation & treatment -
- Specializing in:
- Headache syndromes, which include migraine, cluster, trigeminal neuralgia, occipital neuralgia, trigeminal autonomic cephalgias, cervicogenic headache and many others.
- Neuropathy, myopathy and other neuromuscluar disorders,
- Epilepsy / seizure disorders, and other electrical spells.
- Parkinson's, Tremors, Tics, and other movement disorders,
- Cognitive disorders / Dementia, and related neurodegenerative disorders.
- Neurobehavioural syndromes that may overlap with psychiatry,
- Vertigo, Dizziness and balance problems,
- Diagnostic assistance with spinal / back and neck pain and other related pain disorders.
- Please note: I am NOT an MS specialist and NOT accepting any new MS patients due to the limited infrastructure and part-time basis of my solo practice. I can assist with initial diagnostics, but cannot follow long-term.
- EMG/NCV studies - more info on right > > >
These include a thorough neurological examination, nerve conduction study, and needle EMG – anything less is unacceptable and not the neurological standard of care.
- Injections (office only) - Diagnostic and Therapeutic: For headaches and facial pains and peripheral nerve, as well as joint and tendon and trigger point injections, both diagnostic and palliative.
- Botox is referred out to subspecialty movement d/o specialists due to the govt & insurance industry complexities and imposed limitations - until freedom of the "doctor - patient relationship" is restored.
Other medical and surgical subspecialties, heme-onc, endocrinology, rheumatology, neurosurgery and orthopaedic surgery and also frequently to interventional pain / pain management, psychiatry, psychology, and neuropsychological testing. As well as to other therapeutic settings:
Physical and occupational therapy, rehabilitation, massage therapy, hydrotherapy, etc.
We also commonly refer for neuroradiological testing / Imaging (CT Scans, MRI Scans, Angiography, Ultrasound, PET Scans).
We do our own neurophysiology testing - EMG, NCV etc. but will refer out to preferred labs for EEG and sleep studies.
* This is a non-narcotic based clinic - see references on other pages to this topic. Also I do NOT prescribe Amphetamines / Stimulants.
As an alternative I do support the use of Medical Marijuana - as there is good evidence of it's utility in certain conditions. See AAN guidelines on CAM for MS.
Tucson, AZ 85710
tel: (520) 333-7723
fax: (520 333-3113
EEG - electroencephalography: This study shows brain activity as it happens, just like an EKG shows heart activity. This study is important when questions arise as to the function of the brain. EEGs are performed for many conditions from seizures to memory loss. Additional information about the various findings in EEG can be found at the eMedicine website.
EMG/NCV - electromyography: This study comprises two components, a needle EMG study and an electric nerve conduction study. This study is important when questions arise as to the function of the nerves and muscles, especially in cases of nerve pinching such as spine disc disease, carpal tunnel and other nerve or muscle conditions. Additional information about the various findings in EMG can be found at the eMedicine website.
Lumbar puncture - CSF analysis: This study involves taking a sample of spinal fluid for analysis. Because the spinal fluid is separate from blood, when there is a question of infection or inflammation in the central nervous system, this study can help determine whether a problem exists, and if so, what the problem may be. Click here to read a basic review of lumbar puncture at another website.
Computed Tomography - CT scan or CAT scan: This study involves computer manipulation of regular X-rays. The CT scanner contains an X-ray machine. The machine takes several X-rays in a row and the computer helps assemble them into a very detailed picture. In neurology, a CT scan is important because it is very rapid and can show serious and life threatening brain events such as brain hemorrhage. The Wikipedia website has a good overview of CT.
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging: This study involves using magnetic pulses to create a very detailed image of the body part being investigated. A neurologist typically orders MRIs of the brain or spine, although many body parts can be imaged. The Wikipedia entry on MRI provides a good overview of the procedure and its purposes.
Injections for diagnosis: Although many patients think of injections as treating the problem, injections also can be performed in a manner that helps provide the diagnosis.
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